# README.txt The root directory includes 3 sub-directories of results organized by organism names. For the human results, there are two subsubdirectories for results of two separate experiments. report_s1135_chr22 contains files of results from the human chromosome 22 data with 1135 participants, and report_s2504_chr13 contains files of results from the human chromosome 13 data with 2504 participants. Each result filename indicates the corresponding measurement. In each file, the header #ratio separates results by separation ratios. Under each separation ratio there are 18 rows of results corresponding to results of 9 missing rates for Minimac and Beagle. The odd rows are Minimac results whereas the even rows are Beagle results. In other words, the order of results rows is Minimac results with 10% missing rate, Beagle results with 10% missing rate, Minimac results with 20% missing rate, Beagle results with 20% missing rate, etc. Each row contains 9 values that are separated by minor allele frequency range, i.e., 0.005--0.0083, 0.0083--0.0014, 0.0014--0.023, 0.023--0.039, 0.039--0.065, 0.065-0.11, 0.11--0.18, 0.18--0.3, and 0.3--0.5.