Design and optimization of a waste rock cover system for arid environments
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Engineered waste rock cover systems are designed to prevent the generation
of acid mine drainage in sulphide bearing waste rock dumps left from the metal
mining process. Typically, the cover systems are designed to prevent the
ingress of water and/or oxygen into the waste rock pile so that oxidization and
hence acid generation is minimized. In arid environments the covers are
generally designed as water infiltration barriers only. A saturated cover layer is
required to prevent oxygen ingress and this is difficult to achieve in an arid
climate. Ultimately, the success of a waste rock cover system is dependent on
understanding the relationship between climate, cover and waste material
properties, and surface vegetation.
One method to determine how successful a cover system will be over the long
term is to use predictive numerical modelling software, calibrated from an
instrumented test cover site. This gives mine operators and regulatory
agencies the ability to evaluate how a cover will perform under typical and
extreme climatic conditions.
The purpose of the research program described here was to design a zero net
infiltrative flux cover system that would eliminate acid drainage at the Kidston
Gold Mines in North Queensland, Australia. The mine has three main waste
rock dumps, which extend over an area of about 337 ha. The climate is semi-arid with well-defined wet and dry seasons. Mean annual precipitation is
approximately 712 mm with more than 80 % of the rainfall occurring between
November and April. Total annual potential evaporation was estimated to be
about 2300 mm. Historically acid mine drainage was collected in evaporation
The first phase of the research involved characterizing the waste rock and
potential cover materials, designing and building two field test covers, and
installing instrumentation for monitoring of performance. The majority of this
work was carried out by the Unsaturated Soils Group, at the University of
The design of the cover system required the optimization of water storage and
evapotranspiration. Intense rainfall events and associated erosion which
occurs in the wet season, required that runoff be eliminated. This requirement
demanded that the cover have the ability to store all infiltrating rainfall such that
it could subsequently be released to the atmosphere through
Several cover systems using layers of loose and compacted native soils and
waste rock were evaluated using the numerical model SoilCover. Two cover
profiles were selected for field-testing based on the net infiltrative flux
approaching zero. The first was constructed on a mineralized waste rock dump
using 50 cm of compacted, oxidized waste rock overlain by 150 cm of loose oxidized waste rock. This cover was designated the optimum design. The
second was constructed on a barren waste rock dump using a single 250 cm
layer of loose oxidized waste rock. This cover was designated the alternate
design. Both covers had a hummocky surface to promote infiltration and
prevent runoff. Construction was completed in December 1996. Seeding of the
barren dump cover with pasture grasses took place shortly after construction
while seeding of the mineralized dump cover was completed at the end of the
wet season. Instrumentation was installed in both covers to measure infiltration
and cover moisture conditions. A weather station was installed to monitor
climatic conditions.
This thesis presents the results for the second phase of the research program
which was carried out by the author. It includes the evaluation of the
performance of the two test covers and calibration of the numerical model
SoilCover, such that field response and predictive modelling could be carried
out. A final cover design is then presented on the basis of these results. The
research involved field sampling and laboratory testing, instrumentation, field
data reduction and analysis, and field response and predictive numerical
Field results over the period 1996 to 1999 indicated that both covers responded
reasonably well. The average precipitation was about 541 mm or 76 % of
normal. Instrumentation showed that the water content profile within the covers
increased considerably under intense rainstorm events and then quickly decreased during subsequent evapotranspiration. Infiltration from the base of
the covers into the underlying waste rock was less than 1 % of average annual
precipitation during the three wet seasons. Calibration and field response
modelling with the numerical model SoilCover confirmed infiltration values into
the waste rock approaching zero. Predictive modelling was then carried out
using extreme wet year climate data from 1990/1991. Based on 1349 mm of
rainfall the calibrated SoilCover model predicted over 50 % infiltration through
both cover systems. Further predictive modelling was then carried out
assuming improved saturated hydraulic conductivities could be achieved in the
compacted layer of the optimum cover design. The results showed that
infiltration rates through the cover coul? likely be reduced to between 5 % to 25
% of precipitation during extreme wet year conditions. Final closure cover
design is described on the basis of these results.
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering