The Effect of a Residential Eating Disorder Treatment Program on Quality of Life in Individuals With Eating Disorders
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Quality of life (QoL) is significantly impaired in individuals with eating disorders (EDs). To date, there has been very limited Canadian research on the effectiveness of residential ED treatment programs on outcomes related to ED recovery, including QoL. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of treatment at a Saskatchewan-based residential ED centre on QoL in individuals with EDs and disordered eating behaviours. A retrospective chart review examining changes in QoL, measured using the Eating Disorders Quality of Life Scale (EDQLS), in adults (≥18 years of age) with an ED or disordered eating behaviours attending a 28-day residential ED treatment program for the first time between January 2018 to August 2022 was completed. A total of 48 charts were analyzed (42 female, 4 male, 2 non-binary). Paired t-tests were used to compare pre- and post-treatment EDQLS total and total domain scores. The magnitude of change in EDQLS total pre- and post-treatment between individuals with and without a formal ED diagnosis was analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc analysis. Between pre- and post-treatment, there was a significant increase in the EDQLS total score (103 21 versus 132 20, respectively, p<0.001)) and in each of the 12 EDQLS domain scores. A clinically meaningful change in QoL, defined as a 10% or greater increase in EDQLS total score between pre- and post-treatment, was present in 79.2% (n=38/48) of individuals. These results demonstrate that individuals with EDs or disordered eating behaviours perceive their QoL to be improved after attending a 28-day residential ED treatment program. This is significant as we found that a short duration of treatment can substantially improve QoL, an important, but often overlooked, domain of recovery. Failure to evaluate QoL could potentially understate progress made toward recovery and the effectiveness of a treatment program. As the first study in Canada to examine the effect of a residential ED treatment program on QoL, we have started to build a foundation for future research and program evaluation in this understudied, but highly important, field of practice and research.
Quality of life, residential eating disorder treatment, eating disorder treatment
Master of Science (M.Sc.)