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Constructive chaos : case study of student learning in a grade 5 one-to-one computing environment



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Educators are being asked to transform traditional pedagogy to include strategies, resources and tools to accommodate 21st century learning (Jacobs, 2010; Stansbury, 2010; U.S. Department of Education, 2010). This thesis analyzes strategies used in a grade five one-to-one learning environment to enrich learning and accommodate 21st century skills. Analysis of qualitative data is provided through a detailed description of emergent information within a case study. Results are presented on three specific strategies used to enrich learning within the technology-based environment. The findings may be useful not only to teachers but administrators, leaders and instructional designers within the educational field. 21st Century teaching and learning presents a holistic view, combining key elements including: core subjects, learning and innovation skills, information, media and technology skills and life and career skills (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2004). “The 21st Century learning model calls for significant paradigm shift in what is taught, how it is taught and how progress is assessed” (21st Century Learning Associates Inc., 2010). The transformation to integrate technology-based learning with pedagogy, although essential to the 21st Century learning model (21st Century Learning Associates Inc., 2010), may be leaving a number of educators “stuck” not understanding what is being asked of them or where to begin. In an attempt to better understand instructional and learning processes used for 21st Century teaching and learning, this research study focuses on three strategies: one-to-one (1:1) computing, instructional design (ID) and differentiated instruction (DI). Strategies are analyzed on the enrichment effect each of the variables have on a grade five learning environment for the development of 21st century skills. Qualitative participant data are presented through a case study approach. The qualitative data analysis software Nvivo9™ is used to organize and categorize jumbled results of semi-structured interviews, direct classroom observations and documentation. Results of the research study are descriptive in nature characterizing, how each of the three strategies (1:1 computing, ID and DI) influenced teaching and learning within the grade five technology-based learning environment. Processes (instructional and learning) are highlighted as a result of the research study. One may view this thesis as an instructional design thesis, drafting a blueprint for enriching instruction within a technology-based learning environment. Teachers, educational leaders, instructional designers and others involved with 1:1 computing, ID and DI may find the results of this thesis significant to assist with a holistic view towards 21st century teaching and learning.



one-to-one computing, instructional design, differentiated instruction, technology-based learning, 21st century learning



Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Curriculum Studies


Curriculum Studies

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