High speed digital protection of EHV transmission lines using traveling waves
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Extra High Voltage (EHV) transmission lines are designed to transfer large amount of power from one location to another. The length exposed to the environment is a major reason for occurrence of faults on the lines. A fault on a high voltage transmission line affects the stability of the overall power system, which sometimes leads to permanent damage of the equipment. Relays are developed and installed to protect the lines. The transmission line protection relays, in the industry, are based on the fundamental frequency components of the voltages and currents. These relays need at least one fundamental frequency cycle for performing the protection operation.
Voltage and current traveling waves are generated when a fault occurs on the transmission line. The velocity of propagation of traveling waves is finite and the level of the waves decreases with increase in the distance traveled. Information about the fault can be obtained by analyzing the traveling waves. A few traveling wave techniques, which are based on analog signal processing, to protect transmission lines have been proposed in the past.
Two digital techniques, which use traveling waves for protecting EHV transmission lines, are proposed in this thesis. The traveling waves are extracted from the modal voltages and currents at the terminals of the transmission line. The techniques identify and locate the fault by using the information contained in the waves. A power system was modeled in the Electromagnetic Transient Direct Current Analysis (EMTDC) and several cases were created by varying different parameters related to the fault, fault type, fault location, fault resistance and fault inception angle. The techniques were implemented in hardware and their performance was tested on data, generated from the EMTDC simulations. Some cases are discussed in the thesis.
The performance of the digital techniques for protecting EHV transmission lines using traveling waves was confirmed to be satisfactory. The proposed techniques provide protection at speed and discriminate well between internal and external faults.
Traveling Waves, Protection, Transmission Line
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering