The evaluation of the climatic environment of a large area with few reporting stations: a case study of Northern Saskatchewan
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The evaluation of the climate of a large area with few reporting
stations requires a special approach. Northern Saskatchewan, examined in
this study, is an example of such an area. The objectives of this study,
therefore, are to determine how to evaluate the climatic environment of a
large area with few reporting stations and to apply the methods to an
analysis of the climate of northern Saskatchewan.
A completeness index, developed by the author, was used to measure
how satisfactory the climatological records were in terms of length and
number of gaps. A correlation analysis, the point distribution coefficient
and the spatial pattern of the completeness index were employed for
the evaluation of the network of observing stations.
Methods for temporal and spatial estimation were applied and the
results were tested. It was found that monthly data and normals could be
estimated satisfactorily but that daily data could not be as adequately
estimated. The results of the spatial estimation were found to be
acceptable, although estimated precipitation values were usually less
acceptable than estimated temperature values.
The improved data base was then used to evaluate the temperature
and precipitation climate of northern Saskatchewan. Several intriguing
features were disclosed. For example, it was found that stations in the
central portion of the study area have January extreme minima that are as
much as 6° C. higher than those of the stations of the southern margin of
the study area. The frequency of occurrence of mean monthly temperatures
proved useful in both temporal and spatial analyses. Cold and warm spells, that is, periods of consecutive days with temperatures below or above
certain levels, respectively, were also examined. A noticeable pattern
in the distribution of cold spells was found. The distribution shows an
abrupt increase in the average number of cold spells per winter north of
about 57° North.
Other aspects of the climate of northern Saskatchewan such as the
frost-free season, growing degree-days, heating degree-days, wind chill
and humidex were evaluated, where possible. It was found that wind chill
factors at locations in the study area are less than those at Regina, the
comparison station in southern Saskatchewan. The length of the frost-free
season was found to be just as long in parts of the northern margin as in
the southern margin of the study area. Climatic classifications and the
continentality of the study area were also examined.
Master of Science (M.Sc.)