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Use of steroid hormones or GnRH to synchronize and resynchronize follicular wave emergence, estrus, and ovulation in cattle



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A series of experiments were designed to study alternative estrus synchronization and resynchronization protocols to facilitate the use of artificial insemination in cattle. Studies were conducted to study the effects of estradiol cypionate (ECP) on follicular dynamics, time of ovulation, and pregnancy rate to timed-AI (TAI) in CIDR-based protocols. Although administration of 1 mg ECP did not result in synchronous follicular wave emergence, a dose of 0.5 mg ECP synchronized LH release and ovulation. Administration of ECP 24 h after CIDR removal resulted in acceptable pregnancy rate. However, treatment with ECP at CIDR removal resulted in acceptable pregnancy rate only if follicular wave emergence was synchronized with estradiol-17β (E-17β). The efficacy of two estradiol preparations (5 mg of E-17β or estadiol valerate; EV) and reduced doses of EV on CL and ovarian follicular dynamics and superovulatory response were examined. When doses of 5 mg were compared, EV treatment resulted in a more variable interval to follicular wave emergence and a lower superovulatory response than E-17β. However, EV at a dose of 1 or 2 mg was efficacious in synchronizing follicle wave emergence in CIDR-treated cattle. Pregnancy rates were compared following TAI in cattle given a new or previously used CIDR and injections of estradiol, with or without progesterone, to synchronize follicular wave emergence. Pregnancy rate following TAI did not differ between cattle treated with a new or once-used CIDR, but pregnancy rate was lower in cattle treated with one or two twice-used CIDR. The addition of an injection of progesterone to the estradiol treatment at CIDR insertion did not enhance pregnancy rate. The efficacy of progestins (used CIDR and MGA), and E-17β, ECP, GnRH, or progesterone treatment for resynchronization of estrus in cattle not pregnant following TAI were investigated. Progestin treatment resulted in the majority of nonpregnant heifers detected in estrus over a 4-d interval. Conception rates were higher in heifers resynchronized with a once-used CIDR than with MGA. GnRH at CIDR insertion synchronized follicular wave emergence in cows, but did not increase conception rate in heifers. E-17β at CIDR insertion (1.5 mg) and removal (0.5 mg) resulted in decreased pregnancy rate following TAI. In summary, protocols described in this thesis resulted in acceptable pregnancy rates following TAI and resynchronization of previously inseminated heifers with progestins resulted in variable estrus and pregnancy rates.



cattle, estrus, follicular wave, ovulation, timed-AI



Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Large Animal Clinical Sciences


Large Animal Clinical Sciences

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