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Data Driven Multispectral Image Registration Framework



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Multispectral imaging is widely used in remote sensing applications from UAVs and ground-based platforms. Multispectral cameras often use a physically different camera for each wavelength causing misalignment in the images for different imaging bands. This misalignment must be corrected prior to concurrent multi-band image analysis. The traditional approach for multispectral image registration process is to select a target channel and register all other image channels to the target. There is no objective evidence-based method to select a target channel. The possibility of registration to some intermediate channel before registering to the target is not usually considered, but could be beneficial if there is no target channel for which direct registration performs well for every other channel. In this paper, we propose an automatic data-driven multispectral image registration framework that determines a target channel, and possible intermediate registration steps based on the assumptions that 1) some reasonable minimum number of control-points correspondences between two channels is needed to ensure a low-error registration; 2) a greater number of such correspondences generally results in higher registration performance. Our prototype is tested on five multispectral datasets captured with UAV-mounted multispectral cameras. The output of the prototype is a registration scheme in the form of a directed acyclic graph (actually a tree) that represents the target channel and the process to register other image channels. The resulting registration schemes had more control point correspondences on average than the traditional register-all-to-one-targetchannel approach. Data-driven registration scheme consistently showed low back-projection error across all the image channel pairs in most of the experiments. Our data-driven framework has generated registration schemes with the best control point extraction algorithm for each image channel pair and registering images in a data-driven approach. The data-driven image registration framework is dataset independent, and it performs on datasets with any number of image channels. With the growing need of remote sensing and the lack of a proper evidence-based method to register multispectral image channels, a data-driven registration framework is an essential tool in the field of image registration and multispectral imaging.



Image Registration, Multispectral Image, Image Processing, Control Point, SIFT, SURF, BRISK, ORB, Drone Imaging



Master of Science (M.Sc.)


Computer Science


Computer Science

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