MacLeod, C.A.Schoenau, J.J.2018-09-102018-09-101997-02-20 growth chamber experiments were performed to determine the short term contribution of legume residues to soil phosphorus supplies. In the first experiment, fresh pea residues of different ages were applied to soil in the presence and absence of wheat grown in a growth chamber. In a following growth chamber study, after harvest pea, lentil and wheat residues were applied to wheat and canola. Residue performance in increasing phosphorus supplies was determined by soil phosphorus supply rates and total phosphorus uptake by plants. Results showed that residues caused immobilization of soil phosphorus over the short term rather than significantly increasing phosphorus supply rates and plant phosphorus uptake.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadalegumesupplyThe influence of crop residues on plant phosphorus uptakePoster Presentation