Dawson, Diane (DeDe)2014-07-222014-07-222014http://hdl.handle.net/10388/6290Internal report and edited raw data from faculty survey.The intention of this report is to communicate to University Library administration, and interested library employees, the results of a survey of all U of S faculty carried out in November 2012. The report mainly consists of edited raw data; I have removed comments that may have identified respondents and comments that were inappropriate or off-topic. It is my hope that the library may benefit from the rich data collected on faculty behaviours and awareness surrounding scholarly communications (SC) topics such as open access (OA) publishing and archiving, and their evident and expressed needs for support in this area.enAttribution 2.5 Canadascholarly communicationsopen accesslibrary servicesfaculty surveyInternal Report: Results of U of S Faculty Survey on Scholarly Communications Behaviours & NeedsDataset