Williamson, Vicki2009-05-292009-05-292009http://hdl.handle.net/10388/286Paper presented at the "People in the Information Profession Conference," October 15-16, 2009 Melbourne, AustraliaAgainst the overall conference theme of "reinvigorating the information profession" and in line with the " leadership development" conference stream, this paper overviews the national and local background and context of the decision by a Canadian research library to invest in developing and implementing its own in-house Library Leadership Development Program (LLDP). The University Library at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) launched its inaugural LLDP (LLDP1) with 19 participants in January 2009. As a major strategic initiative LLDP1 runs until February 2010. The LLDP2 is scheduled to commence in September 2009 and the LLDP3 in March 2010. Over an eighteen month period approximately 60 library employees (or 40% of the workforce) will have participated in LLDP.enDeveloping Leadership to Transform our Library: The Library Leadership Development Program (LLDP) at the University of Saskatchewan [Presentation]Presentation