Numedahl, OliviaSchmirler, MatthewFerrari, Margherita MariaSoteros, Chris2023-10-242023-10-242023 models are combined to explore the formation and stability of DNA-RNA structures called R-loops. The first is a formal grammar model (FGM) developed by Ferrari and coworkers. The second is a simplified lattice model developed for studying R-loop formation and geometry by Soteros and coworkers for a PIMS VXML project. We combine these into one model and explore the model both theoretically and via computer simulation using Markov chains. The general goals are to explore the probability of R-loop formation and geometric properties of the R-loops.enAttribution-NonCommercial 2.5 CanadaRNADNAR-loop formationLattice modelsLattice Models of RNA-DNA R-loop ComplexesPoster Presentation