Chang, Lawrence2023-03-072023-03-072022 for Math 102 and redesigned as a standalone resourceAny regular calculus course at the university level will require that students know certain basic mathematics stuffs as a prerequisite. These basic stuffs will not be taught in those calculus courses. Instead, a calculus course will straightaway get into its nitty-gritty subject matter. The instructors of calculus courses will take it that students already know these basic stuffs prior to signing up for their calculus classes. However, not all students would have studied these basic mathematics stuffs when they sign up for a calculus course. Hence, the purpose of this course is to prepare students with these basic stuffs for the more rigorous calculus classes that they may be required to take or perhaps just for the fun of taking a calculus course. The contents in this book are chosen based on what we know to be stuffs that calculus instructors assume students in their classes would already have studied and what we believe will be helpful to you when you embark on your actual calculus course.enAttribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Canadaprecalculushigh school mathematicsPrecalculus Mathematics: Lecture NotesOther