Malhi, S.S.Cowell, L.Leach, D.Kutcher, H.R.2018-09-022018-09-022000-02-22 (Cu) deficiency is often associated with coarse-textured soils. Wheat is probably the most sensitive cereal to Cu deficiency, though some cultivars of wheat are less affected by the Cu deficiency than others. The deficiency of Cu is not wide spread in Saskatchewan, but it can cause a serious reduction in grain yield and quality of wheat when it occurs. Yield responses of cereals to Cu fertilization have been investigated in western Canada, but information is lacking on the effects of different Cu sources, formulations, methods and times of application in correcting Cu deficiency on wheat. The objective of this study was to determine the relative effectiveness of various sources, formulations, methods, times and rates of Cu on yield, grain quality and disease of wheat.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaFirst year application effects of copper fertilizers on grain yield and quality of wheatPoster Presentation