Walley, F.L.Pennock, D.J.Hnatowich, G.Solohub, M.McCann, B.2018-09-092018-09-091998-02-19http://hdl.handle.net/10388/10126A broad association between landform and distinctive pedological regimes, as influenced by the hydrological pattern of the hillslope, exists in glacial till landscapes of southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Image analysis of aerial photographs was used to delineate different pedological regimes within a typical glacial till field characterized by knolls and depressions. Three distinctive areas (upper, mid, and lower slope) were identified as “management units”. Fertility trials (N and P) with wheat and canola indicated that these management units are agronomically meaningful and can be used in the development of variable rate fertilizer management strategies.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaVariable rate fertilizer application in a thin Black soilPresentation