McLean, JaclynDawson, Diane (DeDe)2024-06-102024-06-102024-03McLean, J, & Dawson, D. (2024). Breaking down Silos: Collaborations between electronic resource librarians (ERLs) & scholarly communications librarians (SCLs). Electronic Resources and Libraries (ER&L) 2024 conference. and scholarly communications are intertwined more than ever. We will share how we’ve made connections across these traditional silos to share our individual spheres of knowledge with each other and leverage them to work together on shared projects and interests (e.g., read & publish agreements, APC discounts, etc.).en-USAttribution 2.5 Canadascholarly communicationselectronic resourceslibrarian collaborationsBreaking down Silos: Collaborations between electronic resource librarians (ERLs) & scholarly communications librarians (SCLs)Conference Presentation