2023-03-062023-03-062023-02Realising Global Water Futures: a Summary of Progress in Delivering Solutions to Water Threats in an Era of Global Change. Saskatoon: Global Institute for Water Security, 2023.https://hdl.handle.net/10388/14501Over the past six years the Global Water Futures program has produced a wide range of scientific findings and engagements with multiple types of potential users of the research. This briefing book provides a snapshot of some of the science advancements and user engagement that have taken place to date. Annual reports to the funding agency are the most up to date source of information: this compilation has been created from reports submitted by projects in 2022, representing both completed and current project work. The briefing book aims to provide quick access to information about GWF projects in a single place for GWF’s User Advisory Panel: we hope that knowing more about the research being produced will spark conversations about how to make the best use of the new knowledge in both policy and practice.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaWater researchHydrologyCold regionsWater supplyWater qualityClimate changeRealising Global Water Futures: a Summary of Progress in Delivering Solutions to Water Threats in an Era of Global ChangeTechnical Report