2024-04-252024-04-252023-03-31https://hdl.handle.net/10388/15644Four page briefing document about the value of water research and data collection to Saskatchewan's economy.Increased flooding, drought, and upstream use continue to put Saskatchewan’s freshwater resources at risk. Water needs for irrigation, industry, municipalities, recreation, and nature are increasing, along with impacts of runoff from rural and urban development, much of it upstream in the sources of the Saskatchewan River. Saskatchewan’s economy is especially water-dependent and subject to widely-varying water availability. We need intelligence on our waters to predict and plan for our farmers, food processors, marketers, hydroelectricity managers, municipalities, and suppliers to our industries. Research at the University of Saskatchewan, and data provided by Global Water Futures Observatories, is helping the people of Saskatchewan prepare for a water-secure future.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canadawater availabilitywater qualitywater dataeconomySaskatchewanWorking for our water future : knowledge to strengthen Saskatchewan's water assetsOther