Hamel, C.Singh, A.DePauw, R.Know, R.2018-07-242018-07-242010-02-24http://hdl.handle.net/10388/9150The management of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis, could improve plant’s efficiency of fertilizer use. The development and function of an AM symbiosis is largely controlled by the genotype of the host plant. Thus, it may be possible to improve crop nutrient use efficiency by the selection of genotypes with improve symbiotic effectiveness. Variability in the AM symbiotic development of durum wheat genotypes must be present in breeder plant material for a breeding program to be effective. We tested in the greenhouse under two levels of fertility, the hypothesis that durum wheat genotypes representative of five mapping populations vary in their ability to form the AM symbiosis. We found variations in the influence of the commercial AM fungus Glomus intraradices on root colonization, nutrition, and yield of durum wheat. This variation indicates that it is possible to select durum genotypes for improved symbiosis formation using conventional breeding methods.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canadaarbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosisphosphorus acquisition efficiencydurum genotypeAM symbiotic traits can be selected using conventional breeding methods in durum wheatPoster Presentation