Shaw, L.D.Shirtliffe, S.J.2018-09-022018-09-022000-02-22 effect of residue management on dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) height, maturity, and yield was studied at two sites in Saskatchewan in 1999. Treatments were spring cultivated, mowed or unaltered prior to seeding. Preliminary results indicate no effect of residue management on maturity of either cultivar. Tillage reduced emergence in cultivated treatments compared to no-till, possibly by causing compaction, reducing macroporosity and creating conditions suitable for root diseases. Plant density differences largely determined yield, biomass at physiological maturity, and pod clearance. Yields were 682 kg/ha, 838 kg/ha, 880 kg/ha for cultivated, mowed and stubble respectively. Plant height was not significantly affected by tillage. Bean pod clearance under conventional tillage was 5% higher than under no-till, regardless of stubble height, possibly because of the lower plant density in cultivated treatments. Differences among treatments for internode length (Fig. 2a and b) were not statistically significant. Direct seeding of dry bean appears to be feasible.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaPhysiological response of dry bean to residue managementPresentation