Brown, William J2018-03-152018-03-152018-032018-03-15March 2018 several sources of information available to farmers, it is not certain where Saskatchewan farmers looking for market information turn to for help in their businesses. Survey data from a sample of 577 crop farmers across the province are used to assess the usefulness of information sources to the farmers. The study uses a probit regression model to determine which of the various sources of market information Saskatchewan farmers use and the factors that influence these preferences. Results show that preferences are varied depending on characteristics of the operator and farm business. The majority of the farmers interviewed indicated their preferred market information source is another farmer who is in the same business. The next preferred source of market information is a telephone call or text message from trading partners. Social media is the least preferred source of market information among respondents. The level of education of farmers and whether or not they use the Internet to search for market information influence preferences for market information source usage. The sizes of operation, farmers’ age, and whether they use more modern farm technology have no statistical significance on evaluation of usefulness.application/pdfMarket prospects, market information, probit regression, sources, informationANALYSIS OF SOURCES OF MARKET INFORMATION FOR FARMERS IN SASKATCHEWANThesis2018-03-15