Sachdev, M. S.2024-06-062024-06-061974-08August 197 thesis presents a comprehensive procedure for improving short term security of a power system. The proposed procedure is composed of a short term on-line load forecasting model, a fast but approximate outage study technique and a security optimization algorithm. These techniques have been specifically developed for investigating and improving short term security of power systems. An exponential smoothing model is used for forecasting system loads. -In the line and transformer outage simulations, an outage is replaced by its equivalent real and reactive power injection changes. The factorized Jacobian matrix of the basic state is then used to calculate system voltages in the post outage state. Using these calculated voltages, line flows are computed. An objective function is formulated and minimized for improving system security. In this objective function, weighting factors are used for real and reactive power flows and bus voltages. These weighting factors are selected considering the frequencies and severities of the expected line loading and bus voltage violations. To reduce computation time and effort, sensitivity equations have been developed and used instead of the usual load flow procedures. These techniques and the short term security procedure have been applied to the Saskatchewan Power Corporation transmission network and the 118 bus IEEE test system.EVALUATION AND PREVENTION OF SHORT TERM INSECURITIES IN POWER SYSTEM OPERATIONThesis