Schneider, Kevin2005-11-292013-01-042005-11-302013-01-042005-112005-11-21November 2 business environments, information systems are required to change in response to changes in business processes. We refer to this process as co-evolution: the process of reciprocal change in a software system and the activities and goals of the system's users. This research focuses on improving task modelling techniques to support the co-evolution of information systems and business processes.We propose the Interaction Template approach to improve task modelling to support co-evolution. Interaction Templates make the task modelling process less tedious in both the design phase and the evolution phase of a system's lifecycle. Our approach adds data schemas and presentation components to task models, allowing us to build task models that adapt to data elements and parameters. Binding presentation components to task models allows us to generate user interface prototypes from task models. The generated user interface prototypes improve task model simulation and help make the effects of changes to business processes more clear. This thesis describes a study of the seven year evolution of a real world information system. Through this study, we gain a better understanding of how information systems evolve in response to the evolution of an organization's business processes. This thesis presents the Interaction Template approach, as well as a notation for specifying Interaction Templates. A prototype system supporting the Interaction Template approach is provided, along with examples demonstrating the approach.en-USTask ModellingInteraction TemplatesInformation SystemsBusiness ProcessesSoftware EngineeringImproving task modelling to support the co-evolution of information systems and business processestext