Fowler, BrookeSingh, BaljitAulakh, Gurpreet2022-09-152022-09-152022 biggest infectious disease outbreaks have been respiratory diseases, which are a leading cause to death and disability in humans. Though the use of antibiotics has helped greatly, challenges occur due to the evolution of anti-microbial resistance. Fortunately, the body has an innate immune system that is the primary response when an infection invades the lungs. Toll-like receptors are important for this primary response. They recognize pathogens and initiate a cascade of events to activate an inflammatory response. Toll-like receptor 10, also known as TLR10, has a unique anti-inflammatory function. This is different compared to the other TLRs, since they have pro-inflammatory properties. TLR10 is the latest TLR to be discovered, therefore little data can be found on its expression and very little is known about its function.enAttribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Canadarespiratory diseasetoll-like receptorsToll-Like Receptor 10 in Human LungsPoster Presentation