Brandt, S.A.Ulrich, D.Lafond, G.Malhi, S.S.Johnston, A.M.2018-08-312018-08-312002-02-20 open pollinated (O.P.) and hybrid canola varieties provide higher yield potential but the management strategies necessary to achieve optimum yield are not well understood. To better understand the levels of inputs required to optimize yield and to enhance producers ability to optimize return on their investment a three year study was conducted at Melfort, Indian Head, and Scott during 1999, 2000 and 2001 with the following objective. Objective: To evaluate the effect of seeding rate, fertilizer addition and fungicides on the optimum yield potential of hybrid and open pollinated canola in the Thick Black, Thin Black and Dark Brown Soil Zones.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaManagement for optimum yield of open pollinated and hybrid canolaPresentation