Liu, JianElliott, JaneBaulch, HelenFlaten, DonBruulsema, TomHeard, JohnShupena-Soulodre, EtienneKryzanowski, Len2023-04-202023-04-202021-03-16 prairie provinces are major crop production regions in Canada but which face severe problems of eutrophication in surface waterbodies associated with nutrient runoff. Managing soil nutrients, particularly phosphorous (P) as the driving factor, is key to achieving both agricultural production and enhancing water quality. Although both agronomists and water quality scientists strive for better management of P, existing guidelines do not acknowledge contemporary cropping systems nor give sufficient consideration to downstream water quality. Furthermore, collaborations and knowledge exchange between agronomy and environmental sciences and professions are weak. We are organizing a virtual workshop to bring together researchers and professionals from across the prairie provinces to foster a discussion on how to bridge mutually beneficial interests, and to inform the necessary research, policy and operational recommendations to help keep P on the land. In this presentation, we will report the key messages from our workshop to the audiences of the Soils and Crops Conference. Link to Video Presentation: 2.5 CanadaEutrophication, Nutrient Runoff, PhosphorousKeeping Phosphorus on the LandConference Presentation