Serajchi, M.Lamb, E.G.Schellenberg, M.P.2018-07-192018-07-192015-03-16 is an increasing interest in using the native perennial forage species for rangelands. In this research forage swards of seven native perennial plants and their crude proteins were evaluated in a 4-year stand study. In the monoculture plots, Western Wheatgrass (WWG) was produced the highest dry matter. More than 85% of mixture plots in which WWG was a component, were occupied by WWG. The percentage of crude protein was higher in July, however, in both harvesting times White Prairie Clover (WPC) and Purple Prairie Clover (PPC) had the highest percentage of crude protein. Mixture plots of Little Blue Stem (LBS) + Blue Bunch Wheatgrass (BWG) performed well at the end of growing season.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaC3 and C4 grasseslegume-grass mixtureForage production and crude protein of seven native species in a 4-year stand in mixed-grass prairie, SaskatchewanPoster Presentation