Williamson, Vicki2009-02-272009-02-272006Library Management, vol. 27, no. 8, 548-561http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/viewPDF.jsp?contentType=Article&Filename=html/Output/Published/EmeraldFullTextArticle/Pdf/0150270803.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/10388/261Dr. Vicki Williamson, Deputy President and Member of the Library Board of Victoria (2002-2006); Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Administrative & Academic Support), University of Ballarat (2001 - March 2006); Dean, University of Saskatchewan Library (Commencing March 2006). The author would like to thank the research assistant, Amy Espeseth Turner, who provided invaluable support for this paper from background exploration to final draft preparation.Purpose - This article aims to look at the transformational changes occurring in Australian postsecondary education and libraries. Design/methodology/approach - Discusses transformational changes occurring in Australian postsecondary education and libraries. Findings - The greatest threat to librarianship is people's own attitude towards change. Originality/value - Provides a discussion on surviving change. Keywords - Change management, University libraries, Australia Paper type - Research paperenchange management, university libraries, AustraliaSurviving Change and Growing the Profession TogetherArticle10.1108/01435120610686728