Hutchinson, Tim2017-11-092017-11-092012-06-08Tim Hutchinson, 2012. Keeping SAIN: The Saskatchewan Archival Information Network and ICA-AtoM (panel presentation). Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Archivists, Whitehorse, June 8. description: Archives around the world have been seeing the potential of the open source ICA-AtoM software, including Canada's provincial archival councils. Many of our existing systems for archival description have been showing their age and are ripe for replacement. In this panel session, representatives from B.C., Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario will explain their approaches and experiences in moving over to ICA-AtoM. Additionally, the developers of the software will share their plans for future work. This next generation of archival software offers tremendous opportunities for making descriptions discoverable and building a sustainable infrastructure to support all archival institutions.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canadadigital archivesdescriptive standardsKeeping SAIN: The Saskatchewan Archival Information Network and ICA-AtoMConference Presentation