Lyimo, S.D.Holm, F.A.2018-09-222018-09-221987-02-19 experiments were conducted at Kernen and Goodale farms near Saskatoon in 1985 and 1986 to compare the tolerance of HY 320 and Katepwa spring wheats to triallate and trifluralin herbicides. HY 320 and Katepwa were seeded at each site in both years at 90 and 67 kg/ha respectively. 1985 experiments were conducted at one seeding depth. In 1986, three seeding depths were examined at each site. Each herbicide was applied after seeding at 1× and 2× the maximum recommended rate. A tank-mixture of the two products was also tested at 1× and 2× rates. Incorporation to a depth of approximately 5 cm was accomplished using two passes of a diamond harrow. Treatments were replicated four times. In 1985, significant differences in yield and plant stand were measured for Katepwa at Goodale and Kernen, respectively. There were no significant differences in HY 320 yield or plant stand and it out-yielded Katepwa at both sites. Significant differences in yield resulted from the herbicide treatments in both varieties and sites in 1986. Highest yields were recorded in the untreated checks and the lowest in the 2× tank-mix treatments. As in 1985, HY 320 out-yielded Katepwa at both sites. In 1986, shallow seeding resulted in reduced yields of both Katepwa and HY 320. The tolerance of HY 320 to these products appears to be similar to that of Katepwa.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaTolerance of HY 320 and hard red spring wheat to soil incorporated herbicidesPresentation