Tran, DicksonFlaten, DonBullock, PaulBrule-Babel, Anita2020-03-192020-03-192020-03-10 from a research project on hybrid response to starter nutrients in Manitoba are presented. The objectives of the study are to evaluate the impacts of starter nutrients on grain yield, plant growth and plant development of corn hybrids. In the first part of the study (2017 and 2019), 8 Dekalb hybrids were treated with 2 treatments, a control (no starter nutrients) and one in-furrow starter nitrogen plus phosphorus treatment in the form of 5 gallons per acre APP (19.77 lbs P2O5 ac-1 and 5.8 lbs N ac-1). The second part of the study (2018 and 2019) focused specifically on hybrid response to starter phosphorus (SP). The treatments for the starter phosphorus study was 19.77 lbs P2O5 ac-1 in the form of APP and a control with no in-furrow fertilizer but 5.8 lbs N ac-1 in the form of UAN applied pre-emergence to equalize the N found in APP. Results show that grain yield for only one of the hybrids, DKC26-28, was significantly greater for treatments with SP, compared to treatments without SP. In response to starter N plus P, hybrids did not have significantly different responses in terms of grain yield. All hybrids had significantly greater grain yield with starter N plus P compared to treatments without starter N plus P. The study did not directly compare hybrid response to SP versus starter N plus P as the trails occurred in different years.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaPhosphorusstarter nutrientsstarter phosphorusstarter nitrogenin-furrow nutrient applicationHybrid response to in-furrow starter nutrientsPresentation