Deters, Ralph2016-09-072016-09-072016-092016-09-07September thesis details the design and development of a new messaging system for use in the mobile space. This messaging system consists of one back-end server, an API, a proxy server, client components, and a website. Developing such a system for the mobile space is a challenge, however, due to the unique characteristics found in the mobile space. Solutions to overcome these challenges are derived from RESTful web services and cloud computing technologies. Furthermore, the HTTP and CoAP protocols are explored for use in this messaging system. Experiments are then conducted to derive the most optimal protocol. For the purposes of testing this messaging system, two adaptive application management features are developed and provided through the system to the mobile development community. The rst feature is GUI Menu Ordering, which allows developers to adapt their application menu's automatically depending on user usage. The second feature is Proficiency User Modeling, which allows developers to automatically con gure their applications depending on user use behavior style. Results show the successful development of an event messaging system. In terms of the protocols CoAP surpasses HTTP in terms of performance and data consumption. However, the addition of a required CoAP proxy server a ects performance and client/server data consumption. Thus CoAP becomes slower than HTTP, but consumes less data if only the client data is measured. Furthermore, results show that if encryption is used there is an a ect. CoAP with encryption remains faster than HTTPS, even with a CoAP proxy server.application/pdfEvent Messaging SystemMobile SpaceCloud ComputingThesisThesis2016-09-07