Hutchinson, Tim2017-11-102017-11-102016-06-04Tim Hutchinson, 2016. Killing Many Birds with One Stone: Virtual Institutional Databases in AtoM. Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Archivists, Montreal, 4 June. session description: For many archivists, one of the greatest innovations to the profession in recent years has been the development of AtoM, or Access to Memory – an open-source archival description software application developed here in Canada by Artefactual Systems. AtoM has allowed archives all over the world to make their finding aids more readily accessible in a standardized format for very little expense on the part of the institution. AtoM has continued to grow and evolve over the years, thanks in large part to the contribution of code, documentation, translations, ideas, and funding from its user base. This working session will examine three recent innovative contributions to AtoM made by archivists in the hopes of furthering the development of AtoM and its user community. ... Tim Hutchinson will discuss the development of the “virtual institutional database” for the AtoM-powered Saskatchewan Archival Information Network.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canadadigital archivesopen source softwareKilling Many Birds with One Stone: Virtual Institutional Databases in AtoMConference Presentation