Chapman, Dean2020-01-062020-01-062019-102020-01-06October 20 prior work has shown that an electron beam position and angle monitoring system was able to measure the electron source position and angle at a single location in a beamline at a synchrotron source. This system, a phase space ΜΆ Beam Position Monitor (ps-BPM), relies on a monochromator to prepare a photon beam whose energy is at that of K-edge of an absorber filter. The natural divergence of the photon beam from the source gives an energy range that will encompass the K-edge of the filter. A measurement of the center of the monochromatic beam and the K-edge location through the absorber filter gives the position and angle of the electron source with sensitivity comparable to any beam position measurement system. Further, this thesis shows that this system is capable of measuring the source size and divergence at the same time by measuring the photon beam spatial distribution and the K-edge filtered beam distribution also with a sensitivity comparable to other existing methods for the source size; no other single measurement method is capable of divergence measurements. This was validated by measurements and simulations as the beam size in the storage ring was changed. The position measurements can be done in near real time and the size measurements can be done near 1 Hz. The system was extensively modeled for its application at the CLS as well as possible implementations at other higher brightness sources such as the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U). The modeled performance of the ps-BPM system was compared against other methods for measuring the electron source properties for high brightness sources. These methods included pinhole imaging and double-slit interferometry. This system is being considered as a candidate system for the APS-U.application/pdfSynchrotron Radiation, Beam Diagnostics, Beam Position and Angle Monitor, Beam Size and Divergence MonitorA REAL TIME PHASE SPACE BEAM SIZE AND DIVERGENCE MONITOR FOR SYNCHROTRON RADIATIONThesis2020-01-06