Pauly, D.Strydhorst, S.Bremer, E.MacKinnon, M.2019-04-302019-04-302019-03-05 2018, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry began evaluating the agronomic performance of a novel elemental sulphur (S) fertilizer through field trials at two locations. This S fertilizer is not currently commercialized, but is intriguing because it has a mean particle size diameter of less than 20 microns and is intended to be applied as a suspension through spraying equipment, ensuring abundant S-soil contact. The purpose of the project was to compare this novel S product to ammonium sulphate. Canola was seeded into cereal stubble that had been treated with sprayed elemental S, sprayed ammonium sulphate, or banded ammonium sulphate, all applied at 0, 20, and 40 kg S/ha. The product evaluation was based on soil sulphate level changes over time using plant root simulator (PRSĀ®) probes, S uptake by canola, and canola yield. PRS probes were able to detect treatment differences between control treatments and treatments fer tilized with sulphur, and in some cases differences between the treatments that received sulphur. There was evidence that surface-applied elemental S without incorporation was oxidizing within weeks of application. From an agronomic perspective, based on these two site-years of data, there is sufficient reason to continue and even expand the current work in future years.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaPreliminary evaluation of a novel elemental sulphur fertilizerPresentation