Kumaran, MahaBassett, Dawn2010-11-242010-11-242008Journal of Library Administration, vol. 46, issue 3 & 4 March (2008) 181-189http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all?content=10.1300/J111v46n03_12http://hdl.handle.net/10388/349Google has recently introduced Google Co-op, a platform which is comprised of three different tools: custom search engine, subscribed links, and topics. The custom search engine and subscribed links features of Google Co-op are being used successfully by a variety of different businesses and libraries to help harness the power and size of the Web. Other organizations are contributing to specific search areas designed by Google using the topics feature. By examining the ways that such organizations are using Google Co-op and by demonstrating how to use custom search engines and topics, the article draws some conclusions about the potential usefulness of Google Co-op's features for librariesenLibraries; Web 2.0; custom search engines; Google Co-op; subscribed links; niche search; custom search engines; information literacy; Google Marker; Google RefinementsLibraries and Google co-opArticle10.1300/J111v46n03_12