Boland, Mark2024-02-012024-02-0120232024-012024-02-01January 20 thesis presents the work done with two types of interferometric X-ray optics, namely a Fresnel zone plate (FZP) and a double slit interferometer or synchrotron radiation interferometer (SRI). For the first project, FZPs were modelled, designed, fabricated, and visually inspected with the aim to increase the brightness of the soft X-ray beam on the Spectromicroscopy beamline (SM) at the Canadian Light Source (CLS). The devices were fabricated and visually inspected for quality in this work, but not yet tested with X-rays. This work demonstrates the possibility of rapid and in-house FZP fabrication for the CLS soft X-ray beamlines. In a second set of experiments, SRI X-ray optics were used on SM to measure the first order transverse spatial coherence of the synchrotron radiation. This SRI experiment served as a proof-of-principle measurement of transverse electron beam profiles with narrow transverse beam sizes, which will be necessary for fourth-generation light sources such as CLS2 [1]. The use of zone plates and upgrading to a fourth-generation light source will increase the speed at which scientists can do their experiments.application/pdfenX-ray opticsdouble slitFresnel zone plateacceleratorCreating and Measuring High Brightness Synchrotron Radiation Beams Using Interferometric X-ray Optics at the CLSThesis2024-02-01