Sorensen, Charlene2009-11-052009-11-052009Serials Review: vol. 35, no. 4, Dec. 2009, pp. 228-234 Sorensen is Serials Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan Library, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada SK S7N 5A4Increasingly, academic libraries are choosing to discard or place in storage online-available print journal backruns. The identification of these titles and related collection analysis activities are often time-intensive. The approach at the University of Saskatchewan Library was to develop an online toolkit that combined available data from disparate sources including the integrated library system, SFX link resolver, and WorldCat and present them in a collaborative open source environment. This paper demonstrates how the careful combination of existing data presented in a simple online format allowed subject specialists to make accurate print journal deselection decisions quickly and painlessly.enlibrary space constraintsserials managmentacademic libraries collection analysisprint journal storageprint journal backrunsdeselection of print journalsThe 5K run toolkit : a quick, painless, and thoughtful approach to managing print journal backrunsArticledoi:10.1016/j.serrev.2009.08.017