Estimation of Canadian manure and fertilizer nitrogen application rates for crops at the soil polygon level using the CANB v2.0 model
Yang, J.Y.
Huffman, T.
Drury, C.F.
De Jong, R.
Yang, X.M.
Liu, Y.C.
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In response to national environmental and climate change modeling projects such as agri-environmental indicators, greenhouse gases, carbon sequestration and policy scenarios, fertilizer N and manure nitrogen N application rates were estimated for individual crops at the Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) polygon scale (1:1 million). This database provides an estimate of the actual amount of N applied per crop and per hectare, based on provincial fertilization recommendations, manure production levels of each type of livestock and reported amounts of fertilizer sold. The database is being incorporated into ongoing programs related to Kyoto accounting of greenhouse gas emissions, environmental performance and policy formulation at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. A standardized Canadian Agricultural Nitrogen Budget (CANB v2.0) model was developed to calculate the agri-environmental indicators Residual Soil Nitrogen (RSN) and Indicator of Risk of Water Contamination by Nitrogen (IROWC-N). CANB is a national-level model that operates on 3500 SLC polygons using generalized soil, landscape, climate, and Census of Agriculture socioeconomic data. It is designed to provide a regional update on the soil N balance for each of the census years of 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001 and into the future. The database and model have the capability to calculate a number of different components of the nutrient balance,
including the inputs of fertilizer N, manure N, biological N and atmospheric N and N the removals of N in the harvested proportion of the crop and via nitrogenous gas emissions. This paper describes the procedures to estimate fertilizer N and manure N inputs for each crop within each polygon. It includes: (i) the compilation of soil-specific N application rates from provincial extension guidelines, (ii) the calculation of total manure N production from animal numbers and excretion rates, (iii) the calculation of available manure N after storage and handling losses, and (iv) the recommended and adjusted nitrogen application rates. Adjustments were made to account for the amount of inorganic N in the manure applied to the various crops. The adjusted nitrogen rate data was also reconciled with the provincial fertilizer sales data.
manure nitrogen, nitrogen recommendation rate, nitrogen model, Soil Landscapes of Canada, Census of Agriculture
Part Of
Soils and Crops Workshop