Collection analysis techniques used to evaluate a graduate-level toxicology collection
Crawley-Low, Jill
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Journal of the Medical Library Association
Refereed Paper
Refereed Paper
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Collections librarians from academic libraries are often asked, on short
notice, to evaluate whether their collections are able to support changes
in their institutions’ curricula, such as new programs or courses or
revisions to existing programs or courses. With insufficient time to
perform an exhaustive critique of the collection and a need to prepare a
report for faculty external to the library, a selection of reliable but brief
qualitative and quantitative tests is needed. In this study, materialscentered
and use-centered methods were chosen to evaluate the
toxicology collection of the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) Library.
Strengths and weaknesses of the techniques are reviewed, along with
examples of their use in evaluating the toxicology collection. The
monograph portion of the collection was evaluated using list checking,
citation analysis, and classified profile methods. Cost-effectiveness and
impact factor data were compiled to rank journals from the collection.
Use-centered methods such as circulation and interlibrary loan data
identified highly used items that should be added to the collection.
Finally, although the data were insufficient to evaluate the toxicology
electronic journals at the U of S, a brief discussion of three initiatives
that aim to assist librarians as they evaluate the use of networked electronic resources in their collections is presented.
Based on a presentation at the 101st Annual Meeting of the Medical
Library Association, Orlando, Florida; May 29, 2001.
By Jill V. Crawley-Low, M.L.S.
Head, Veterinary Medicine Library
University of Saskatchewan
52 Campus Drive
Saskatoon S7N 5B4 Saskatchewan
90(3) July 2002