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Item Disparity in low-flow trends found in snowmelt-dominated mountain rivers of western Canada(Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 2024-12) Whitfield, Paul; Pomeroy, John WStudy region A complex mountainous region that is the source of water for the major river basins of northwestern North America. Study focus Trends in magnitudes and timing of annual low flows in relation to basin characteristics and climate indices in 106 nival rivers in British Columbia and Alberta. New hydrological insights Two types of significant trends in annual low flows were observed: [1] decreased magnitude and earlier occurrence in the warmer southwest, or [2] increased magnitude and later occurrence in the colder, higher elevation north and east. These differences are associated with differences in the form of nival regime from the reliable cold winter and spring freshet of the north and east to regimes with fall and mid-winter melts, often associated with rainfall, in the south and west. Basin location and regional climate, rather than individual basin attributes such as elevation or hypsometry drove these differences in streamflow regimes and their responses to climate variations and warming. Atmospheric teleconnections had strong effects that corresponded to the regime and spatial differences in trends and were dominated by positive relationships between magnitude and timing with long duration indices (AMO & PDO), and negative relationships with short duration climate indices (NAO & SOI). The pattern of these relationships mimicked the temporal trends over time, positive with magnitude and timing in the northeast, and negative in the southwest.Item Climate Driven Trends in Historical Extreme LowStreamflows on Four Continents(Wiley, American Geophysical Union, 2024-06-17) Hodgkins, Glenn; Renard, Benjamin; Whitfield, Paul; Laaha, Gregor; Stahl, Kerstin; Hannaford, Jamie; Burn, Donald; Westra, Seth; Fleig, Anne; Lopes, Walszon Terllizzie Araújo; Murphy, Conor; Mediero, Luis; Hanel, MartinUnderstanding temporal trends in low streamflows is important for water management and ecosystems. This work focuses on trends in the occurrence rate of extreme low-flow events (5- to 100-year return periods) for pooled groups of stations. We use data from 1,184 minimally altered catchments in Europe, North and South America, and Australia to discern historical climate-driven trends in extreme low flows (1976–2015 and 1946–2015). The understanding of low streamflows is complicated by different hydrological regimes in cold, transitional, and warm regions. We use a novel classification to define low-flow regimes using air temperature and monthly low-flow frequency. Trends in the annual occurrence rate of extreme low-flow events (proportion of pooled stations each year) were assessed for each regime. Most regimes on multiple continents did not have significant (p < 0.05) trends in the occurrence rate of extreme low streamflows from 1976 to 2015; however, occurrence rates for the cold-season low-flow regime in North America were found to be significantly decreasing for low return-period events. In contrast, there were statistically significant increases for this period in warm regions of NA which were associated with the variation in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Significant decreases in extreme low-flow occurrence rates were dominant from 1946 to 2015 in Europe and NA for both cold- and warm-season low-flow regimes; there were also some non-significant trends. The difference in the results between the shorter (40-year) and longer (70-year) records and between low-flow regimes highlights the complexities of low-flow response to changing climatic conditions.Item The 2021 heatwave results in simultaneous but different hydrological responses over Canada west of 100◦W(Journal of Hydrology, 2024-02) Whitfield, Paul H; Abdelmoaty, Hebatallah; Nerantzaki, Sofia; Papalexiou, Simon MichaelThe 2021 Western North America heatwave resulted in record high air temperatures over a large area of Canada west of 100°. The heatwave persisted from mid-June into July, depending upon the threshold used to define the heatwave. The heatwave was a weather event that was short lived but had a widespread transient impact on hydrology in this single year. These impacts were more evident in nival systems because of the prominent role of snowmelt. In normal years, the timing of hydrological processes, particularly snowmelt, is a function of latitude and elevation; in 2021 the heatwave resulted in simultaneous high rates of snowmelt across rivers where a snowpack existed at the time of the event, and strong diurnal melt signal was a diagnostic. In 2021, rivers throughout Canada west of 100°W responded strongly to the heatwave, but the response depended on three factors: location relative to the heat dome, the hydrologic regime, and the amount of snow present at the time. The melt signal was strongest in those basins that had not reached their annual peak often having discharges in the highest 5 % of historical observations for that day of the year. Discharges rapidly declined in basins already in recession indicating the rapid depletion of the snowpack. In basins with little or no remaining snow, streamflow often declined during the same period often to levels in the lowest 5 % of historical observations for that day of the year.Item Editorial: The shadowlands of (geo)science communication in academia – definitions, problems, and possible solutions(Geoscience Communication, 2024-11) Gani, Shahzad; Arnal, Louise; Beattie, Lucy; Hillier, John; Illingworth, Samuel; Lanza, Tiziana; Mohadjer, Solmaz; Pulkkinen, Karoliina; Roop, Heidi; Stewart, Iain; von Elverfeldt, Kirsten; Zihms, Stephanie GabrieleScience communication is an important part of research, including in the geosciences, as it can (1) benefit both society and science and (2) make science more publicly accountable. However, much of this work takes place in “shadowlands” that are neither fully seen nor understood. These shadowlands are spaces, aspects, and practices of science communication that are not clearly defined and may be harmful with respect to the science being communicated or for the science communicators themselves. With the increasing expectation in academia that researchers should participate in science communication, there is a need to address some of the major issues that lurk in these shadowlands. Here, the editorial team of Geoscience Communication seeks to shine a light on the shadowlands of geoscience communication by geoscientists in academia and suggest some solutions and examples of effective practice. The issues broadly fall under three categories: (1) harmful or unclear objectives, (2) poor quality and lack of rigor, and (3) exploitation of science communicators working within academia. Ameliorating these problems will require the following action: (1) clarifying objectives and audiences, (2) adequately training science communicators, and (3) giving science communication equivalent recognition to other professional activities. In this editorial, our aim is to cultivate a more transparent and responsible landscape for geoscience communication – a transformation that will ultimately benefit the progress of science; the welfare of scientists; and, more broadly, society at large.Item Snowdrift-Permitting Simulations of Seasonal Snowpack Processes Over Large Mountain Extents(Water Resources Research, 2024-08-17) Marsh, Christopher; Lv, Zhibang; Vionnet, Vincent; Harder, Phillip; Spiteri, Raymond; Pomeroy, JohnThe melt of seasonal snowpack in mountain regions provides downstream river basins with a critical supply of freshwater. Snowdrift-permitting models have been proposed as a way to accurately simulate snowpack heterogeneity that stems from differences in energy inputs, over winter redistribution, sublimation, melt, and variations in precipitation. However, these spatial scales can be computationally intractable for large extents. In this work, the multiscale Canadian Hydrological Model (CHM) was applied to simulate snowpacks at snowdrift-permitting scales (≈50 m) across the Canadian Cordillera and adjacent regions (1.37 million km2) forced by downscaled atmospheric data. The use of a multiscale land surface representation resulted in a reduction of computational elements of 98% while preserving land-surface heterogeneity. CHM includes complex terrain windflow and radiative transfer calculations, lapses temperature, humidity, and precipitation with elevation, redistributes snow by avalanching, wind transport and forest canopy interception and calculates the energetics of canopy and surface snowpacks. Model outputs were compared to a set of multiscale observations including snow-covered area (SCA) from Sentinel and Landsat imagery, snow depth from uncrewed aerial system lidar, and point surface observations of depth and density. Including snow redistribution and sublimation processes improved the summer SCA r2 from 0.7 to 0.9. At larger scales, inclusion of snow redistribution processes delayed full snowpack ablation by an average of 33 days, demonstrating process emergence with scale. These simulations show how multiscale modeling can improve snowpack predictions to support prediction of water supply, droughts, and floods.Item Measuring prairie snow water equivalent with combined UAV-borne gamma spectrometry and lidar(European Geosciences Union, 2024) Harder, Philip; Helgason, Warren; Pomeroy, John W.Despite decades of effort, there remains an inability to measure snow water equivalent (SWE) at high spatial resolutions using remote sensing. Passive gamma ray spectrometry is one of the only well-established methods to reliably remotely sense SWE, but airborne applications to date have been limited to observing kilometre-scale areal averages. Noting the increasing capabilities of unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAVs) and miniaturization of passive gamma ray spectrometers, this study tested the ability of a UAV-borne gamma spectrometer and concomitant UAV-borne lidar to quantify the spatial variability of SWE at high spatial resolutions. Gamma and lidar observations from a UAV (UAV-gamma and UAV-lidar) were collected over two seasons from shallow, wind-blown, prairie snowpacks in Saskatchewan, Canada, with validation data collected from manual snow depth and density observations. A fine-resolution (0.25 m) reference dataset of SWE, to test UAV-gamma methods, was developed from UAV-lidar snow depth and snow survey snow density observations. The ability of UAV-gamma to resolve the areal average and spatial variability of SWE was promising with appropriate flight characteristics. Survey flights flown at a velocity of 5 m s−1, altitude of 15 m, and line spacing of 15 m were unable to capture the average or spatial variability of SWE within the uncertainty of the reference dataset. Slower, lower, and denser flight lines at a velocity of 4 m s−1, altitude of 8 m, and line spacing of 8 m were able to successfully observe areal average SWE and its variability at spatial resolutions greater than 22.5 m. Using a combination of UAV-based gamma SWE and UAV-based lidar snow depth improved the spatial representation of SWE substantially and permitted estimation of SWE at a spatial resolution 0.25 m with a ± 14.3 mm error relative to the reference SWE dataset. UAV-borne gamma spectrometry to estimate SWE is a promising and novel technique that has the potential to improve the measurement of shallow prairie snowpacks, and when combined with UAV-borne lidar snow depths, can provide fine-resolution, high-accuracy estimates of prairie SWE. Research on optimal hardware, data processing, and interpolation techniques is called for to further improve this remote sensing product and explore its application in other environments.Item Developing a tile drainage module for the Cold Regions Hydrological Model: lessons from a farm in southern Ontario, Canada(European Geosciences Union, 2024-07-04) Kompanizare, Mazda; Costa, Diogo; Macrae, Merrin; Pomeroy, John W.; Petrone, RichardSystematic tile drainage is used extensively in poorly drained agricultural lands to remove excess water and improve crop growth; however, tiles can also transfer nutrients from farmlands to downstream surface water bodies, leading to water quality problems. Thus, there is a need to simulate the hydrological behaviour of tile drains to understand the impacts of climate or land management change on agricultural surface and subsurface runoff. The Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM) is a physically based, modular modelling system developed for cold regions. Here, a tile drainage module is developed for CRHM. A multi-variable, multi-criteria model performance evaluation strategy was deployed to examine the ability of the module to capture tile discharge under both winter and summer conditions (NSE > 0.29, RSR < 0.84 and PBias < 20 for tile flow and saturated storage simulations). Initial model simulations run at a 15 min interval did not satisfactorily represent tile discharge; however, model simulations improved when the time step was lengthened to hourly but also with the explicit representation of capillary rise for moisture interactions between the rooting zone and groundwater, demonstrating the significance of capillary rise above the saturated storage layer in the hydrology of tile drains in loam soils. Novel aspects of this module include the sub-daily time step, which is shorter than most existing models, and the use of field capacity and its corresponding pressure head to provide estimates of drainable water and the thickness of the capillary fringe, rather than using detailed soil retention curves that may not always be available. An additional novel aspect is the demonstration that flows in some tile drain systems can be better represented and simulated when related to shallow saturated storage dynamics.Item An integrated assessment of impacts to ecosystem services associated with prairie pothole wetland drainage quantifying wide-ranging losses(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-06-20) Whitfield, Colin; Cavaliere, Emily; Baulch, Helen; Clark, Robert; Spence, Christopher; Shook, Kevin; He, Zhihua; Pomeroy, John W.; Wolfe, JaredIn many regions, a tradeoff exists between draining wetlands to support the expansion of agricultural land, and conserving wetlands to maintain their valuable ecosystem services. Decisions about wetland drainage are often made without identifying the impacts on the services these systems provide. We address this gap through a novel assessment of impacts on ecosystem services via wetland drainage in the Canadian prairie landscape. Draining pothole wetlands has large impacts, but sensitivity varies among the indicators considered. Loss of water storage increased the magnitude of median annual flows, but absolute increases with drainage were higher for larger, less frequent events. Total phosphorus exports increased in concert with streamflow. Our analysis suggested disproportionate riparian habitat losses with the first 30% of wetland area drained. Dabbling ducks and wetland-associated bird abundances respond strongly to the loss of small wetland ponds; abundances were predicted to decrease by half with the loss of only 20%–40% of wetland area. This approach to evaluating changes to key wetland ecosystem services in a large region where wetland drainage is ongoing can be used with an economic valuation of the drainage impacts, which should be weighed against the benefits associated with agricultural expansion.Item Predicting Hydrological Change in an Alpine Glacierized Basin and Its Sensitivity to Landscape Evolution and Meteorological Forcings(Wiley, 2023-08-20) Aubry-Wake, Caroline; Pomeroy, John W.Shifting precipitation patterns, a warming climate, changing snow dynamics and retreating glaciers are occurring simultaneously in glacierized mountain headwaters. To predict future hydrological behavior in an exemplar glacierized basin, a spatially distributed, physically based cold regions process hydrological model including on and off-glacier process representations was applied to the Peyto Glacier Research Basin in the Canadian Rockies. The model was forced with bias-corrected outputs from a high-resolution Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF-PGW) atmospheric simulation for 2000–2015, and under pseudo-global warming for 2085–2100 under a business-as-usual climate change scenario. The simulations show that the end-of-century increase in precipitation nearly compensates for the decreased ice melt associated with almost complete deglaciation, resulting in a decrease in annual streamflow of 7%. However, the timing of streamflow advances drastically, with peak flow shifting from July to June, and August streamflow dropping by 68%. To examine the sensitivity of future hydrology to possible future drainage basin biophysical attributes, the end-of-century simulations were run under a range of initial conditions and parameters and showed the highest sensitivity to initial ice volume and surface water storage capacity. This comprehensive examination suggests that hydrological compensation between declining icemelt and increasing rainfall and snowmelt runoff as well as between deglaciation and increasing basin depressional storage capacity play important roles in determining future streamflow in a rapidly deglaciating high-mountain environment. Conversely, afforestation and soil development had relatively smaller impacts on future hydrologyItem Implementing a parsimonious variable contributing area algorithm for the prairie pothole region in the HYPE modelling framework(Environmental Modelling and Software, 2023-09) Ahmed, Mohamed Ismaiel; Shook, Kevin; Pietroniro, Alain; Stadnyk, Tricia; Pomeroy, John W.; Pers, Charlotta; Gustafsson, DavidThe North American prairie region is known for its poorly defined drainage system with numerous surface depressions that lead to variable contributing areas for streamflow generation. Current approaches of representing surface depressions are either simplistic or computationally demanding. In this study, a variable contributing area algorithm is implemented in the HYdrological Predictions for the Environment (HYPE) model and evaluated in the Canadian prairies. HYPE's local lake module is replaced with a Hysteretic Depressional Storage (HDS) algorithm to estimate the variable contributing fractions of subbasins. The modified model shows significant improvements in simulating the streamflows of two prairie basins in Saskatchewan, Canada. The modified model can replicate the hysteretic relationships between the water volume and contributing area of the basins. With the inclusion of the HDS algorithm in HYPE, the global HYPE modelling community can now simulate an important hydrological phenomenon, previously unavailable in the model.Item Crop water use efficiency from eddy covariance methods in cold(Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2023-08) Harder, Phillip; Helgason, Warren; Johnson, Bruce; Pomeroy, JohnCrop–water interactions define productivity in water-limited dryland agricultural production systems in cold regions. Despite the agronomic and economic importance of this relationship there are challenges in quantifying crop water use efficiency (WUE). To understand dynamics driving crop water use and agricultural productivity in these environments, observations of evapotranspiration, carbon assimilation, meteorology, and crop growth were collected over 17 site-years at 5 agricultural sites in the sub-humid continental Canadian Prairies. Eddy-covariance (EC) derived water and carbon fluxes provided a means to comprehensively assess the WUE of current agricultural practices by both physiological (WUEP: g C kg−1 H2O) and agronomic (WUEY): kg yield mm H2O−1 hectare−1) approaches. Mean field scale WUEY for grain yields were 10.4 (Barley), 10.2 (Wheat), 6.0 (Canola), 19.3 (Peas), 12.2 (Lentils) and for silage/forage crops were 23.0 (Barley), 11.9 (Forage), and 20.7 (Corn) (kg yield mm H2O−1 hectare−1). An assessment of environmental factors and their covariance with WUE, utilising a conditional inference tree approach, demonstrated that WUE decreased when crops were under greater evapotranspiration demands. EC-based areal WUE approaches, measuring fluxes over footprints of hundreds of square metres, were compared with more commonly reported point-scale water balance residual approaches (WUEWB) and demonstrated consistently smaller magnitudes. WUEWB was greater than EC-estimated WUEY by an average of 52% and 65% for grain and forage/silage crops respectively. WUEWB also had greater variability than EC estimates, with standard deviations 188% and 128% greater than Barley and Wheat crops, respectively. This comparison highlights the scale dependency of WUE estimation methods, demonstrates considerable uncertainty in point scale water balance approaches due to spatial variability in crop–water interactions, and shows how this variability can be accounted for by EC observations. This improves the understanding of WUE and quantifies its variability in cold continental water-limited climates and provides a means to diagnose improved agricultural water management.Item The influence of roads on depressional storage capacity estimates from high-resolution LiDAR DEMs in a Canadian Prairie agricultural basin(Canadian Water Resources Journal, 2023-07) Annand, Holly; wheater, howard; Pomeroy, John W.The Canadian Prairies are a post-glacial agricultural landscape, where millions of small depressions store surface water, form wetlands and control runoff contributing area. Their management is key to flood and drought hydrology, groundwater recharge, ecological integrity, migratory bird habitat and agricultural productivity. Depression drainage and infilling is common in the region, where it is often used to increase cropped area. The regularly spaced, rural ‘grid-road‘ network also impedes drainage, but associated culvert drainage can mitigate those effects. Management of depressions can be informed by hydrological modelling, but accurate surface water storage capacity estimates are needed to ensure accurate model results. Simple representation of road embankments in digital elevation models (DEMs) neglects the effects of culvert drainage. Here, a raster-based depression-filling algorithm was used to delineate depressions from three LiDAR-derived DEMs: a 10-m DEM with roads intact, a 2-m DEM with roads intact, and a 2-m DEM with roads breached at culvert locations. Road breaching was conducted manually in the 2-m DEM to remove artifact depressions that form alongside roads where culverts exist. Results indicated that increasing DEM resolution from 10-m to 2-m in a 393.5 km2 basin did not significantly change depression area or storage capacity estimates; however, breaching roads in the 2-m DEM decreased depression area by 29% (from 98.5 km2 to 69.8 km2) and estimated storage capacity by 48% (from 47.4 × 106 m3 to 23.8 × 106 m3), compared to leaving roads intact in the 2-m DEM. Depressions delineated from the 2-m roads-breached DEM also covered 48% more area and offered 53% more storage capacity than Canadian Wetland Inventory (CWI) aerial-photograph delineated wetlands, which occupied 47.1 km2 with an estimated storage capacity of 15.5 × 106 m3. The implications of these results for the ability of hydrological models to calculate runoff contributing areas and streamflow are discussed.Item High-Resolution Large-Eddy Simulations of Flow in the Complex Terrain of the Canadian Rockies(Earth and Space Science, 10/25/2023) Rohanizadegan, Mina; Petrone, Richard; Pomeroy, John W.; Kosovic, Branko; Muñoz-Esparza, Domingo; Helgason, WarrenImproving the calculation of land-atmosphere fluxes of heat and water vapor in mountain terrain requires better resolution of thermally driven diurnal winds (i.e., valley, slope winds) due to differential heating by terrain and radiative fluxes. In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting model is used to simulate flow in large-eddy simulation (LES) mode over the complex terrain of the Fortress Mountain and Marmot Creek research basins, Kananaskis Valley, Canadian Rockies, Alberta in mid-summer. The model was used to examine the temporal and spatial evolution of local winds and near-surface boundary layer processes with variability in topography and elevation. Numerically resolving complex terrain wind flow effects require smaller grid cell size. However, the use of terrain-following coordinates in most numerical weather prediction models results in large numerical errors when flow over steep terrain is simulated. These errors propagate through the domain and can result in numerical instability. To avoid this issue when simulating flow over steep terrain a local smoothing approach was used, where smoothing is applied only where slope exceeds some predetermined threshold. LES results from local smoothing were compared with a mesoscale model and LES with global smoothing. Simulations are evaluated using sounding data and meteorological stations. The differences in flow patterns and reversals in two mountain basins suggest that valley geometry and volume is relevant to the break up of inversion layers, removal of cold-air pools, and strength of thermally driven winds.Item Modelling the regional sensitivity of snowmelt, soil moisture, and streamflow generation to climate over the Canadian Prairies using a basin classification approach(Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10/9/2023) He, Zhihua; Shook, Kevin; Spence, Christopher; Pomeroy, John W.; Whitfield, ColinThis study evaluated the effects of climate perturbations on snowmelt, soil moisture, and streamflow generation in small Canadian Prairies basins using a modelling approach based on classification of basin biophysical characteristics. Seven basin classes that encompass the entirety of the Prairies Ecozone in Canada were determined by cluster analysis of these characteristics. Individual semi-distributed virtual basin (VB) models representing these classes were parameterized in the Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM) platform, which includes modules for snowmelt and sublimation, soil freezing and thawing, actual evapotranspiration (ET), soil moisture dynamics, groundwater recharge, and depressional storage dynamics including fill and spill runoff generation and variable connected areas. Precipitation (P) and temperature (T) perturbation scenarios covering the range of climate model predictions for the 21st century were used to evaluate climate sensitivity of hydrological processes in individual land cover and basin types across the Prairies Ecozone. Results indicated that snow accumulation in wetlands had a greater sensitivity to P and T than that in croplands and grasslands in all basin types. Wetland soil moisture was also more sensitive to T than the cropland and grassland soil moisture. Jointly influenced by land cover distribution and local climate, basin-average snow accumulation was more sensitive to T in the drier and grassland-characterized basins than in the wetter basins dominated by cropland, whilst basin-average soil moisture was most sensitive to T and P perturbations in basins typified by pothole depressions and broad river valleys. Annual streamflow had the greatest sensitivities to T and P in the dry and poorly connected Interior Grasslands (See Fig. 1) basins but the smallest in the wet and well-connected Southern Manitoba basins. The ability of P to compensate for warming-induced reductions in snow accumulation and streamflow was much higher in the wetter and cropland-dominated basins than in the drier and grassland-characterized basins, whilst decreases in cropland soil moisture induced by the maximum expected warming of 6 ∘C could be fully offset by a P increase of 11 % in all basins. These results can be used to (1) identify locations which had the largest hydrological sensitivities to changing climate and (2) diagnose underlying processes responsible for hydrological responses to expected climate change. Variations of hydrological sensitivity in land cover and basin types suggest that different water management and adaptation methods are needed to address enhanced water stress due to expected climate change in different regions of the Prairies EcozoneItem Validation of FABDEM, a global bare-earth elevation model, against UAV-lidar derived elevation in a complex forested mountain catchment(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2023) Marsh, Christopher; Harder, Phillip; Pomeroy, JohnSpace-based, global-extent digital elevation models (DEMs) are key inputs to many Earth sciences applications. However, many of these applications require the use of a 'bare-Earth' DEM versus a digital surface model (DSM), the latter of which may include systematic positive biases due to tree canopies in forested areas. Critical topographic features may be obscured by these biases. Vegetation-free datasets have been created by using statistical relationships and machine learning to train on local-scale datasets (e.g., lidar) to de-bias the global-extent datasets. Recent advances in satellite platforms coupled with increased availability of computational resources and lidar reference products has allowed for a new generation of vegetation- and urban-canopy removals. One of these is the Forest And Buildings removed Copernicus DEM(FABDEM), based on the most recent and most accurate global DSM Copernicus-30. Among the more challenging landscapes to quantify surface elevations are densely forested mountain catchments, where even airborne lidar applications struggle to capture surface returns. The increasing affordability and availability of UAV-based lidar platforms have resulted in new capacity to fly modest spatial extents with unrivalled point densities. These data allow an unprecedented ability to validate global sub-canopy DEMs against representative UAV-based lidar data. In this work, the FABDEM is validated against up-scaled lidar data in a steep and forested mountain catchment considering elevation, slope, and Terrain Position Index (TPI) metrics. Comparisons of FABDEM with SRTM, MERIT, and the Copernicus-30 dataset are made. It was found that the FABDEM had a 24% reduction in elevation RMSE and a 135% reduction in bias compared to the Copernicus-30 dataset. Overall, the FABDEM provides a clear improvement over existing deforested DEM products in complex mountain topography such as the MERIT DEM. This study supports the use of FABDEM in forested mountain catchments as the current best-in-class data product.Item Windmapper: An Efficient Wind Downscaling Method for Hydrological Models(Wiley Online Library, 2023) Marsh, Christopher; Vionnet, Vincent; Pomeroy, JohnEstimates of near-surface wind speed and direction are key meteorological components for predicting many surface hydrometeorological processes that influence critical aspects of hydrological and biological systems. However, observations of near-surface wind are typically spatially sparse. The use of these sparse wind fields to force distributed models, such as hydrological models, is greatly complicated in complex terrain, such as mountain headwaters basins. In these regions, wind flows are heavily impacted by overlapping influences of terrain at different scales. This can have a great impact on calculations of evapotranspiration, snowmelt, and blowing snow transport and sublimation. The use of high-resolution atmospheric models allows for numerical weather prediction (NWP) model outputs to be dynamically downscaled. However, the computation burden for large spatial extents and long periods of time often precludes their use. Here, a wind-library approach is presented to aid in downscaling NWP outputs and terrain-correcting spatially interpolated observations. This approach preserves important spatial characteristics of the flow field at a fraction of the computational costs of even the simplest high-resolution atmospheric models. This approach improves on previous implementations by: scaling to large spatial extents O(1M km2); approximating lee-side effects; and fully automating the creation of the wind library. Overall, this approach was shown to have a third quartile RMSE 𝐴𝐴of 1.8 m ⋅ s−1 and a third quartile RMSE of 58.2° versus a standalone diagnostic windflow model. The wind velocity estimates versus observations were better than existing empirical terrain-based estimates and computational savings were approximately 100-fold versus the diagnostic model.Item Towards a coherent flood forecasting framework for Canada: Local to global implications(Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023) Arnal, Louise; Pietroniro, Alain; Pomeroy, John; Fortin, Vincent; Casson, David; Stadnyk, Tricia; Rokaya, Prabin; Durnford, Dorothy; Friesenhan, Evan; Clark, Martyn P.Operational flood forecasting in Canada is a provincial responsibility that is carried out by several entities across the country. However, the increasing costs and impacts of floods require better and nationally coordinated flood prediction systems. A more coherent flood forecasting framework for Canada can enable implementing advanced prediction capabilities across the different entities with responsibility for flood forecasting. Recently, the Canadian meteorological and hydrological services were tasked to develop a national flow guidance system. Alongside this initiative, the Global Water Futures program has been advancing cold regions process understanding, hydrological modeling, and forecasting. A community of practice was established for industry, academia, and decision-makers to share viewpoints on hydrological challenges. Taken together, these initiatives are paving the way towards a national flood forecasting framework. In this article, forecasting challenges are identified (with a focus on cold regions), and recommendations are made to promote the creation of this framework. These include the need for cooperation, well-defined governance, and better knowledge mobilization. Opportunities and challenges posed by the increasing data availability globally are also highlighted. Advances in each of these areas are positioning Canada as a major contributor to the international operational flood forecasting landscape. This article highlights a route towards the deployment of capacities across large geographical domains.Item Simulation of the impact of future changes in climate on the hydrology of Bow River headwater basins in the Canadian Rockies(Journal of Hydrology, 2023) Fang, Xing; Pomeroy, JohnItem Physically based cold regions river flood prediction in data-sparse regions: The Yukon River Basin flow forecasting system(Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022) Elshamy, Mohamed; Loukili, Youssef; Pomeroy, John; Pietroniro, Alain; Richard, Dominique; Princz, DanielThe Yukon River Basin (YRB) is one of the most important river networks shared between Canada and The United States, and is one of the largest river basins in the subarctic region of North America. The Canadian part of the YRB is characterized by steeply sloped, partly glaciated mountain headwaters that generate considerable runoff during melt of glaciers and seasonal snow-cover. Snow redistribution, snowmelt, glacier melt and freezing–thawing soil processes in winter and spring along with summertime rainfall-runoff and evapotranspiration processes are thus key components of streamflow generation in the basin, making conceptual rainfall-runoff models unsuitable for this cold region. Due to the remote high latitudes and high altitudes of the basin, there is a paucity of observational data, making heavily calibrated conceptual modeling approaches infeasible. At the request of the Yukon Government, this project developed and operationalized a streamflow forecasting system for the Yukon River and several of its tributary rivers using a distributed land surface modeling approach developed for large-scale implementation in cold regions. This represents a substantial advance in bringing operational hydrological forecasting to the Canadian subarctic for the first time. This experience will inform future research to operation improvements as Canada develops a nationally coordinated flood forecast system.Item Recent hydrological response of glaciers in the Canadian Rockies to changing climate and glacier configuration(Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union, 2022) Pradhananga, Dhiraj; Pomeroy, JohnMountain snow and ice greatly influence the hydrological cycle of alpine regions by regulating both the quantity of and seasonal variations in water availability downstream. This study considers the combined impacts of climate and glacier changes due to recession on the hydrology and water balance of two high-elevation basins in the Canadian Rockies. A distributed, physically based, uncalibrated glacier hydrology model developed in the Cold Regions Hydrological Modelling platform (CRHM) was used to simulate the glacier mass balance and basin hydrology of the Peyto and Athabasca glacier basins in Alberta, Canada. Bias-corrected reanalysis data were used to drive the model. The model calculates the water balance of glacierized basins, influenced by the surface energy and mass balance, and considers the redistribution of snow by wind and avalanches. It was set up using hydrological response units based on elevation bands, surface slope, and aspect, as well as changing land cover. Aerial photos, satellite images and digital elevation models (DEMs) were assimilated to represent the changing configurations of glacier area and the exposure of ice and firn. Observations of glacier mass balance, snow, and glacier ice surface elevation changes at glacier and alpine tundra meteorological stations and streamflow discharge at the glacier outlets were used to evaluate the model performance. Basin hydrology was simulated over two periods, 1965–1975 and2008–2018, using the observed glacier configurations for those time periods. Both basins have undergone continuous glacier loss over the last 3 to 5 decades, leading to a 6 %–31% reduction in glacierized area, a 78 %–109% increase in ice exposure, and changes to the elevation and slope of the glacier surfaces. Air temperatures are increasing, mainly due to increasing winter maximum and summer minimum daily temperatures. Annual precipitation has increased by less than 11 %, but rainfall ratios have increased by 29 %–44 %. The results show that changes in both climate and glacier configuration have influenced the melt rates and runoff and a shift of peak flows in the Peyto Glacier basin from August to July. Glacier melt contributions increased/decreased from 27 %–61% to 43 %–59% of the annual discharges. Recent discharges were 3 %–19% higher than in the 1960s and 1970s.The results suggest that increased exposure of glacier ice and lower surface elevation due to glacier thinning were less influential than climate warming in increasing streamflow. Streamflow from these glaciers continues to increase.
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