The Evolution of Big Deal Analysis
McLean, Jaclyn
Ladd, Ken
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Conference Presentation
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We first started our assessment of Big Deals in 2015. Since then we have updated and expanded our analysis of the data. From simple usage data and aggregate cost analysis in 2015 to detailed cost per title, breakdown of packages by college or discipline, and the addition of citation data from Web of Science, our program has developed and expanded over the years. We’ve also worked on simplifying and presenting the data and the story about the data to our liaison librarians, and this year have the “opportunity” to test our methodology with a large cancellation project, using our collected data as the foundation. We will describe how we aggregate data from different sources, provide tips and tricks for data management we’ve learned along the way, share the template we use to summarize the data about each Big Deal, and discuss the time investment required to complete these analyses. We will discuss some challenges we encountered through our analysis, and opportunities for further assessment (e.g., incorporating information about APCs paid to the publisher). Our assessment project has been informed by and continues to develop based on the experiences shared by others—by sharing practical information about how we started our assessment of big deals, we hope to help others get started, or adopt portions of the analysis that may be useful in their own contexts. We will also discuss our assessment plan looking forward to 2020 and how we plan to change what we’re doing in light of COUNTER 5 implementation.
library, collections assessment, big deals, scholarly publishing, data analysis
McLean, J., & Ladd, K. (2019, October). The Evolution of Big Deal Analysis. Paper presented at the 2019 Canadian Library Assessment Workshop, Windsor, ON.