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Language and Acculturation Among Iranian Immigrants in Canada



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Since Canada is one of the world’s major recipients of immigrants and refugees, their social accommodation remains one of the priorities in immigrant studies, bilingualism studies, and immigrant language research (Green & Worswick, 2017; Picot, 2008). However, since the cultural and linguistic accommodation needs differ by the group of immigrants, it is essential to increase the diversity of ethnic groups in the scope of research (Shea et al., 2022). More specifically, linguistic and acculturation experiences of Persian-speaking immigrants in Canada have been under-investigated despite a steady increase in the population of Iranian immigrants in Canada over the last decade (Rahnama, 2020). This study investigates how Persian-speaking immigrants adjust to life in Canadian society, acquire English, and whether they are preserving their heritage culture and maintaining the Persian language. The research is grounded in bilingualism and multilingualism theory (Lorenz et al., 2023), as well as in the bidimensional model of immigrant acculturation theory (Berry, 1997). The study adopts a mixed methodology based on a descriptive and quantitative analysis of survey responses and a qualitative analysis of interviews with participants. The study thus falls into “Explanatory Design” (Creswell, 2006, p. 37) informed by Model 4 of Steckler et al. (1992) classification of mixed methods designs in which qualitative and quantitative methods are used equally and in parallel. The results of the present study are based on the responses of 67 participants (age group of 18 years old and above) who spoke Farsi as the first language and also had some knowledge of the English language. The analysis of survey questions was conducted using Chi-square test and Kruskal-Wallis tests by rank. The participant responses to interview questions were first transcribed using, and the analysis of interview responses was conducted through thematic analysis with NVivo software. The findings demonstrate a significant increase in the participants’ perceived importance of maintaining Persian language over time of immigration (at the time of immigration and at the time of the study), whereas the importance of acquiring English skills remains relatively stable. Proficiency in English emerged as a key factor in employment opportunities. Furthermore, bilingualism in English and Farsi was found to play a critical role in shaping and enriching the participants’ social interactions. iv The participants also suggested several measures that the government could apply to facilitate the integration of newcomers in Canada. These suggestions include organizing social events and gatherings where immigrants can interact and share their culture, government sponsored language training programs to help immigrants improve their English or French skills and offering other government programs and services for newcomers. Additionally, the development of Persian language learning programs in education was identified as a valuable strategy for preserving the Persian culture, which the government could facilitate. The current study extends the understanding of acculturation among Persian-speaking immigrants in Canada, offering insights that could be helpful in developing a more supportive and welcoming environment for newcomers.



Language, Acculturation, Immigration, Iranian Immigrants, Canada, multiculturalism, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, Persian language, language barriers, cultural identity, social integration



Master of Arts (M.A.)






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