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Joint Models for Recurrent Event data Combining with a Longitudinal Internal Covariate




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In many clinical trials, both longitudinal measurements and time-to-event data are frequently observed and collected within the same study. However, they are typically analyzed separately, which can lead to biased results due to measurement errors and missing information. The modern approach to analyze such data when both longitudinal and time-to-event responses are available is to jointly model the two processes, a framework in which potential underlying relationships between the two processes are explicitly acknowledged. Combining the two processes also enables us to mutually borrow information from each process and gain efficiency in statistical inference. For this reason, the joint modeling approach has gained considerable attention in recent years. The primary goal is to investigate the relationship between the two processes, and ultimately to estimate the effects of the longitudinal response on the survival outcomes. A typical joint modeling setup involves describing the longitudinal process by a linear mixed-effects model, and the time-to-event process by a parametric survival model. The motivating concept behind the joint modeling technique is to connect the time-to-event model with the longitudinal process through shared random effects. Note that a non-parametric method for the time-to-event process often leads to an underestimation of the standard errors of the parameter estimates. Therefore, joint models based on parametric response distributions are typically considered in the literature. The parametric methods for time-to-event data analysis broadly fall into two families: proportional hazards (PH) and the accelerated failure time (AFT) models. In this thesis, we focus on modeling the time-to-event process using an AFT model (the use of a PH model is a topic for future research). Note that although a PH model is widely used to describe a time-to-event process because of its relative risk interpretation, an AFT model is particularly useful when the PH assumption is violated. While most studies on joint modeling focus on a single outcome event for the survival process (e.g., death or recovery from a disease), some literature extends this method to multiple events. For example, in a long-term follow-up study the occurrence of the event of interest may not necessarily be a one-time event but rather an individual can experience the event multiple times over a specified period of time (e.g., recurrent asthma attacks). Such processes are called recurrent event processes, and the data generated by these processes are called recurrent event data. In this thesis, we propose a joint modeling approach that combines recurrent event data with a longitudinal response (the longitudinal response serves as a covariate for the recurrent event process, commonly called an internal time-dependent covariate). For example, serum bilirubin is a surrogate marker (longitudinal response) for time to blood vessel malformations in the skin (recurrent event process), and we would like to model the time-to-event to investigate the effects of serum bilirunbin on the risk of blood vessel malformations in the skin. As mentioned above, we focus on AFT models to describe the recurrent event process. We propose a general framework for joint models, and develop a Bayesian method for statistical inference. We also propose generalized residuals for goodness-of-fit of a joint model, and develop computational algorithms for data analysis. Our simulation study demonstrates that the proposed methodology performs well for joint analysis of recurrent event and longitudinal data. We also demonstrate the application of the proposed methodology with two real data examples of scientific interest: (1) colorectal cancer data to investigate the effects of tumor size (internal covariate) on the occurrences of new lesions (recurrent events), and (2) primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) of the liver data to investigate the association between serum bilirubin and blood vessel malformations in the skin. Overall, our work holds significant value in the joint model of recurrent events, both in theory and applications. The proposed joint model offers a versatile approach for modeling recurrent events by accommodating various distributions within the AFT framework.



Joint Models, Time-to-Event data, Longitudinal Data, Bayesian Inference, AFT model



Master of Mathematics (M.Math)


Mathematics and Statistics




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