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Pilot Study for Examination of Injection Site Trauma and Injection Material Pathway Imaging through a Human Analog System



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There are three main sections that are examined in this research. The first is whether or not a porcupine quill would be a suitable model for future needle designs in order to reduce the pain of pediatric vaccination. The second section delves into whether the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy Beamline at the Canadian Light Source Synchrotron can be used to monitor the path of an injection in a live animal through imaging. The third section involves engineering designs for the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy Beamline. A literature review was completed which showed that porcupine quills enter human tissue with less force than is required for a typical needle. However, through in line phase contrast imaging, I was unable to conclusively show that there was less tissue damage caused by a porcupine quill than a conventional needle when it enters tissue. Based upon the literature review and the anecdotal evidence of the veterinarian performing the injections, I am able to conclude that it is possible that a metal needle modelled after a porcupine quill would damage tissue less than a standard hypodermic needle during insertion. This reduction in tissue damage could possibly reduce the pain during pediatric vaccination. A redesigned needle may also be suited for suture procedures, especially in ophthalmology, where the fine nerves around the eye are very sensitive to pain. Suture procedures do not require the needle to be pulled back against the grain and may therefore get the most benefit from the lower insertion force of the porcupine quill type needle. Design and fabrication of such a needle would be the next step in possible research. Examining the images obtained at the Canadian Light Source, it can be concluded that the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of an injected contrast agent can be monitored through imaging on the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy Beamline. This was confirmed by comparing images obtained in a traditional computed tomography scanner with the images obtained at the Canadian Light Source. The engineering designs created during this research were fabricated and put into use at the Biomedical Imaging and Therapy beamline at the Canadian Light Source Synchrotron.



Imaging, Needle



Master of Science (M.Sc.)


Biomedical Engineering


Biomedical Engineering

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