An investigation into the criterion related validity of the Prejudiced Attitudes Towards Aboriginals Scale
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The topic of racism and prejudice is a very sensitive issue for many Canadians. This is primarily due to Canada's cherished image as a tolerant society leads even the most progressive people to adopt the belief that racism is comprised of only overt acts. However, what is not acknowledged by this old-fashioned view of prejudice is that the nature and expression of prejudice has evolved into a more covert form of prejudice known as modern prejudice (McConahay, 1986). This is particularly important because there is a well documented history of prejudice and discrimination of Aboriginal peoples in Canada, and without a proper understanding of the changing face of prejudice in Canada it is difficult to determine if there in fact has been a reduction in prejudiced attitudes towards Aboriginal peoples in Canada.
This study examines the criterion-related validity of the Prejudice Attitudes Towards Aboriginals Scale (PATAS) (Morrison, 2007) a 25 item (11 old-fashioned prejudice items and 14 modern prejudice items) newly developed measure of prejudicial attitudes towards Aboriginals developed using the theory of Modern Prejudice (McConahay, 1986). Four hundred and five undergraduate students completed a questionnaire including the PATAS, Right-wing Authoritarianism scale (RWA scale) (Altemeyer, 2007), Social Dominance Orientation scale (SDO5) (Pratto, Sidanius, Stallworth, and Malle, 1994), Motivation to Control Prejudice Reactions Scale (MCPRS) (Dunton and Fazio, 1997), and Form C of the Marlowe Crowne Social Desirability Scale (Renolds, 1982).
The results of this investigation revealed evidence attesting to the criterion-related validity of the PATAS. Participants who scored high on the PATAS also had high scores on the RWA scale, SDO5 scale, and tended to have a conservative political orientation. However, contrary to expectations, religious self schema was not found to be associated with PATAS scores. Practical applications and limitations of these findings are discussed as are possible directions for future research.
Measurement, Psychometrics, Psychology, Aboriginal, Educational Psychology, Native, Métis, Stereotypes, Illusory Correlations, the use of Stereotypes, Modern Racism, Prejudice, Modern Prejudice, Old-fashioned Prejudice, Motivation To control Prejudice Reactions Scale, Right Wing Authoritarianism, Social Dominace Orientation
Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Educational Psychology and Special Education
Educational Psychology and Special Education